Increasing Membership Numbers
Increasing membership numbers i.e. recruiting athletes, is essential to sustaining your centre. However, given parents move through sports with their children, targeting parents is essential. By making sure they are aware and informed on a regular basis what is happening within your centre.
The best way to increase memberships is to give athletes exposure to our sport, through centres ‘Come and Try’ days. It is essential these days are planned to run smoothly, be interactive and showcase the enjoyment of joining your centre.
The promotion of your centre is important in increasing membership.
For information for promoting your centre click here.
Other ways to consider increasing membership numbers include:
Survey members to find out why and how they came to the club.
Run promotional activities/clinics at the centre prior to the start of the season.
Invite grandparents and grandchildren.
Keep membership fees as low as reasonably possible.
Promote the use of NSW Active Kids Vouchers