Affiliation & Annual Reporting
Little Athletics NSW affiliation is designed to allow centres in NSW to be connected with the strong Little Athletics brand and be associated with our organisation, while ensuring that centres are aligned with our state level constitution and policies.
Affiliation with Little Athletics NSW will provide centres with a range of support, resources, products, services, and inclusion in a number of state and national events. For a breakdown of all affiliation benefits please see the table below.
Annual Affiliation Steps:
Complete the online Centre Affiliation form along with your annual reporting document and the Terms and Conditions of Affiliation
You will receive an invoice for Affiliation payment from the NSW Athletics Team. Please complete payment and use the invoice number in the reference field.
Meet all Administrative Requirements, by submitting to LANSW;
A copy of the Annual Report
A copy of your Independently reviewed Little Athletics Centre Financial Report and Treasurer’s Report.
A copy of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting.
Please click here, to download full copy of Regulation 4- Requirements for Affiliation of Little Athletics Centres.
Department of Fair Trading
Tier 2 (small) associations are required to lodge an Annual Summary of Financial Affairs within one month after the holding of the AGM and not later than 7 months after the end of the financial year of the association, whichever is earlier, unless an extension of time for holding an AGM or to lodge an annual summary has been approved.
This form must be lodged by the public officer of the association within 28 days after taking office as the public officer or within 28 days of a change in the official address of the association.
Form A9 - Notice of appointment of public officer and Notice of change of association address
This form must be lodged when an association changes its objects or constitution. The form must be lodged within 28 days after the special resolution approving the change of objects or constitution being passed.
Form A6 - Application to register change of objects or constitution
Centre Administration Resources
This checklist is intended to assist Little Athletics Centres with identifying necessary tasks, responsibilities and requirements.