Tiny Tots
Developing passion and enjoyment for Athletics, physical activity and sport from an early age
Tiny Tots Welcome Video
New Tiny Tots Program
The Tiny Tots Program is where children from 3-5 years of age commence their Little Athletics journey. Through these positive first experiences in an athletics environment and fundamental skill development, children are more likely to develop a healthy passion for athletics and lifelong enjoyment of participating in sport and physical activity.
Tiny Tots is a modified introductory program designed to develop 3-5 year old’s fundamental movement skills of running, walking, jumping and throwing through fun and enjoyable activities. The aim of the program is to improve the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of children through an age appropriate, active and free play-based approach that is engaging and stimulating.
Tiny Tot Resources
Little Athletics NSW has partnered with Little Athletics South Australia, Australian Council for Physical Health, Education and Recreation (ACHPER), to develop an upgraded Tiny Tots Program. Consisting of;
Tiny Tots Centre Resource Manual
Containing 11 unique easy-to-follow sessions.
Each Centre is provided with a hard copy of the Resource Manual. Additional copies can be purchased through LANSW, for purchase or inquires please contact admin@lansw.com.au.
2. Tiny Tot Activity Cards
A visual collection of all Tiny Tot games and activities printed on A6 size cards.
3. Specific Education Opportunities
Click here to be directed to Upcoming Education Events.
4. A variety of Online Resources
The Tiny Tot Information Flyer-
For parents and member, providing a summary of the Tiny Tots Program & information on How to Get Involved. Click on the button to download—>
The Delivery
Where: Tiny Tots can be ran on any grass section or even an appropriate indoor space. Can be run alongside your Centres regular program or competition, as long as it doesn’t encroach on the delivery of other events.
When: Tiny Tots can be delivered on any day and could even be delivered during a week day/s to suit the schedules of stay at home parents. If your centre chooses to run Tiny Tots alongside their regular program it is best practice to have the Tiny Tots group start their session at the earliest convenience and for the session to be no longer than 45-60mins in duration.
How: Lead by the Tiny Tot Coordinator they will find the Tiny Tots resource manual filled with 11 pre-planned sessions and modified activities and an added Compendium of Activities for more inspiration. The program resource has been designed so that volunteers or parents running Tiny Tots sessions find it easy to follow, however Little Athletics NSW offers a range of training workshops to develop facilitators confidence in delivery and are in the process of developing some online training support too.
For any questions or inquires regarding the Tiny Tots program, please contact admin@lansw.com.au